Sunday, January 8, 2017

Preparation before wearing above-knee prosthesis III

MEDI-REHATEK will continue to introduce Preparation before wearing above-knee prosthesis III.

(6) Gluteus training:

Tighten the buttocks, continue this position for five times, then relax, repeat this exercise for several times.

(7) Hip stretch:

Patient is prone on the bed, lifts the stump towards the roof.Dont let hip move towards the back. Holding such position for five times, then relax. Repeat the exercise.

(8) Hip abduction:

Patient is in lateral position, lifts the stump towards the roof, do not make hip move forwards or backwards, to keep this position for five times, then relax and repeat the exercise again.

(9) Hip extension

Forcing the residual limb to have backward extension,hip avoids moving forward or backward, to keep this position number five, then relax and repeat the exercise.

3. Walk

Many activities will help keep your muscle  with strength and resistance to fatigue. Patients need to retain an elastic bandage while walking

(1) If you use a walker:
Check your walker to ensure safety, the walker's legs should be kept the same height. Stump keeps close to other health leg and is perpendicular to the ground. Do not place stump on the crossbar of walker.

(2) If you use a cane to walk:
Check for your walking stick to ensure safety and view any wear on the top of a cane. Handrails should stick firmly on crutches and should not have any loose screws. Stump keeps close to other health leg and is perpendicular to the ground. Do not place stump on the handrails of cane.  

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