Sunday, June 11, 2017

Trim nails for diabetic patients

Medi-Rehatek will introduce how to trim nails for diabetic patients with risk factors of foot disease as below:

(1)Foot nails cut often

Cut foot nails often, do not keep the foot nails too long, nor should cut too short to prevent infection.

(2) Professional tool for trimming nails

Choose professional tool for trimming nails, do not use scissors, one tool is only for one patient as far as possible.

(3) Trim toenails properly

Trim toenails in a straight and flat direction, but do not cut too short. The length of the nail should be trimmed,that is parallel to tiptoe. Do not trim the edge of nail to be around or angled. Use nail file to smooth the sharp edge of nail.

(4) Assist by family member

If patients with poor vision or inflexible action is not, do not trim by themselves, need to ask the family member to help trim 

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