Wednesday, August 2, 2017

How to prevent joint deformity after amputation

Medi-Rehatek will introduce how to prevent joint deformity after amputation.

1, To maintain a good position.
To maintain the correct residual limb position in order to prevent residual limb joint contracture and deformity. As part of the muscle was cut after amputation, that can cause muscle imbalance, joint contracture. Such as: hip flexion, hip abduction, knee flexion, ankle plantar flexion, the results will affect the prosthesis alignment. Postoperative joint should be placed in functional position, and the joints should have early functional exercises to make sure that the joints are flexible without deformity.

 Put the pillow under the affected lower limb to reduce swelling after surgery.Then  the pillow should be removed to prevent joint contracture and deformation. Therefore, the thigh amputation patients should pay attention to extending the residual limb (hip extends backwards), as far as possible the stump is close to the middle position of the body (hip adduction).
Amputees can be prone position every 30 minutes twice a day.
Being Supine, patients should not raise the affected area or the residual limb height only just to feel comfort or to alleviate the painPut a pillow under the perineum to outreach the thighs.
Be careful about long-term use of wheelchairs, wooden crutch to lift the residual limb and other adverse posture.
Donseparate the residual limb or increase waist height with pad.

Below -knee amputation patients should pay attention to the position of residual knee that should be placed in the extension position. Dont  put pillows under the thigh or knee. Dont lie on bed with knee flexion. Dont sit on a wheelchair with knee flxion or place the stump on the handle of a crutch.
2, The elimination of residual limb edema.
Postoperative surgical trauma and insufficient muscle contraction,venous return disorder, which can cause residual limb edema. This swelling is temporary, it will disappear  after the residual limb circulation is reestablished. It usually takes 3-6 months.
The use of elastic bandage offers reasonable dressing to residual limb, which can reduce swelling and promote the final shape of stump.

 In recent years, the international use of postoperative artificial limb assembly, that is, on the operating table, the amputee is still awake after amputation surgery, who is fitted with temporary prosthesis. After one or two days amputees get out of bed to practice walking or other functional training. This method not only  greatly encourages the amputees psychologically ,but also accelerates final shape of the residual limb.It reduces affected limb pain and it is helpful for other pain.
There is also the use of environmental control therapy, that is, after the operation the residual limb without any dressing covered will be attached to  the transparent airbag that is connected with an air conditioner.And the stump practices walking. Container pressure can be adjusted so as to make residual limb contraction with final shape, to promote the early final shape of residual limb. 

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