Medi-Rehatek will introduce the best treatment for eblow pain today.
Elbow pain refers to the tendon tenderness and inflammation of outer elbow. The pain is caused by repetitive force on the muscles of wrist and fingers that stretch backwards. The patient feels pain in the outer elbow when gripping or lifting the object. Tennis elbow is a typical example of overwork syndrome. Studies have shown that the wrist extensor muscles, especially the wrist extensor carpi radialis brevis, which extends straight and puts forth your strength to the radial ,the tension is very large.The partial fiber on muscle and bones junction will have over-stretching to form a slight tear.
Treatment method
Rest and change activity patterns.
Appropriate rest is particularly important in the acute phase (severe redness, swelling, pain), but changing the pattern of activity is more important. Finding the cause of the injury, and then patients make the appropriate changes, who can slow down the disease. Studies have shown that tennis players suffer from tennis elbow, who reduce training intensity and scientific exercise, who can reduce 90% of the disease.
Patients should be early to rest, local site can have hot compress.The affected limb is fixed with a triangular suspension in the chest. The elevation of affected limb and electrotherapy can control the inflammation.Physical therapy heals the tendon in a good environment.
Anti-inflammatory drugs can help relieve pain and inflammation. Some people want to reduce the pain quickly, they choose to local steroid injection, but in fact it will cause a lot of harm to the organization, so it is not recommended to use.
Acupuncture and massage.
Acupuncture and massage produce stimulation to activate the elbow muscles through acupuncture points. The injured part can be messaged in different way like rub, press, straighten out, calm massage each day. It can relieve blood vessels and muscle spasms, relax the muscles and promote the blood circulation, repair tendons. Note that the action should be gentle massage, avoid fierce pull, so as to avoid secondary injury.
Topical Chinese herb.
External application of Chinese herbal medicine and wet wound pain cream as well as topical herb have a certain effect.It can remove rheumatism and dehumidify,relax the muscles and promote blood circulation to arrest pain.
Elbow brace.
In sports, the tennis elbow is mostly due to improper excessive force.In order to prevent the occurrence of tennis elbow, patient should have more activities om elbow and arm before the campaign activities. It is better to wear elbow brace in the forearm to ease the pressure on the elbow muscles.
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