Thursday, October 27, 2016

Carbon fiber orthosis for the disabled

  The compound disability is more common at the experience of our actual work. Such as one side amputation may lead various movement dysfunction of injured lower limb without amputation in the other side. Although prosthetic assembly can let the patient stand up, the dysfunction of other side has serious impact on the effect of rehabilitation.This time needed orthosis can cooperate to achieve the best recoveryresults. MEDI-REHATEK would like to introduce more typical case for the disability in this chapter.

  The patient has severe injuries resulting in the amputation of the left leg and severe damage of the right ankle. The ankle joint was cleared off and had fusion surgery with the portion of shank in hospital( see postoperative X-rays). Although this kind of surgery retains the complete lower extremities, the heel cant touch the ground due to the lack of the ankle joint when standing by himself. He can not reach a dynamicbalance of the body with prosthesis installing in the left leg. After taking into account of the synthesis of patient, we decided to carry out comprehensive rehabilitation for right leg to assemble orthosis in our rehabilitation center.

MEDI-REHATEK would like to introduce a good blog of the advantage of Carbon Fiber AFO

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